Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Its a lot worse than it looks 2 months away where the fuck is the glue !

Its a lot worse than it looks 2 months away where the fuck is the glue !

There are things I havent talked about, things that are very serious, things that Ive been too afraid to mention to anyone except Amanda. The reasons are that I already vent a lot of my frustrations here and while I have repeatedly stated that this is primarily what this blog is for, I hold back good deal. My perception is that anyone who stumbles across this already thinks I am a wimpy whiny bitch with slight rage issues that cant hack it. Well, maybe, but I think a good deal of it has to deal with some heavy blows that cut a little deeper, or knocked me down a little harder than I was expecting. 

Things are really bad and they have been for a long time, under the surface, and Ive hidden as best as I could but ts finally too much again and Im really cracking. My wedding is 2 months away and I should be excited but most of the time when I think about it, I just cry. My parents reluctance has hurt me really bad. Even after I talked to my Mom and asked point blank if they wanted to come and she said they really truly do, I still feel the hesitancy. I know they feel bad because I bought their tickets, because I am going to have to take care of them while they are here, and so, but isnt that what family is supposed to do? I dont care, I just want want to see them and share this moment with them. I just want to have time to share with them where I live. 

The second part is that I am scared that I am not going to fit into my wedding dress. After the hysterectomy my body changed and my flabby fat stomach shifted downward a little. My core muscles were cut into and were weak.  Its awful. I sometimes get painful rashes between my stomach fat and my thighs. I still have pain in the incision area and it till aches when I go to the bathroom sometimes. My back hurts more. I cant get comfortable standing, sitting, and especially not laying down. Sometimes the dull incessant aches of things drive me crazy and I cant stand it. Ive told Amanda a couple of times that if I gain any more weight, Im just going kill myself because nothing is working and I cant do anything without being in such pain I want to tear my skin off. Sometimes I hit myself because I am so furious with my body. I just want it to give me a little so I can make it better. 

I recently had blood work done and I got my results. My TSH levels were high and I didnt know what that meant, so I looked it up. Apparently it has to do with your thyroid and my levels have all the characteristics or symptoms of Hypothyroidism. To double check the information I was reading, I asked a friend who has thyroid problems. They said, yes, my levels were high and welcome to the "hypo club".  But because I always want to discuss things with my doctor, I decided to see what she said. Only I didnt get to talk to my doctor, her nurse called to give me the results. My anemia is better, but they want send me back to OBGYN to see if my fatigue is hormone related. Why cant she do the tests for that herself? Secondly they want me to watch my sugar intake because my blood sugar was 113 fasting- which is within the normal range and the first blood plannel she did on me a couple of months ago said my A1C was perfect. She said nothing about my thyroid so I asked. the nurse said it wasnt a concern and left it at that. How is it not a concern when on the result it is red marked and there is even a little low-norm-high bar and Im marked in the high section and according to all the sources Amanda found on the internet, Im way above where I should be. 

This is so frustrating. It feels like my doctor doesnt want to deal with. That because I am fat, I just need to move. Well, yeah, but if there is something wrong that is keeping me this way, I can move all I want, push myself to keep going, fight through the pain, and it wont do me a damn bit of good. It hasnt so far. The worst part is that I get so overwhelmed and have been told over and over again that if I just lose weight, I wont have issues anymore, that I almost cant bring anything up. Except that if I lose the weight, I will still have a herniated disk and fibromyalgia. Those things affect one of my skinny friends too and shes often been just as miserable with pain and shit as I am. Amanda has decided that I am no longer allowed to go to the doctor without her or her mother to advocate for me because I cant seem to do so for myself. As much as that is a relief, it scares me. My doctor will want to up my depression meds or switch them and if we do that, Im going to gain more weight. it happens every time. 

When I write this stuff out, it seems to stupid and the rational part of my brain says, its going to be okay, one step at time, dont give up, you can do this. But none of this stops for me. I can distract myself. I can focus or try to focus  on other things but something will hurt, or I will move wrong, or a random thought will pop into my head, or I will be trying to set up a wedding party planning meeting, or even trying to clean my house, and I just- the depression monster slips in like a sly bitch and whispers a little something and I just cant. Its driving me crazy. I dont want to see anyone. I dont want to go anywhere. I look at the mess my house has become and instantly feel guilt for not feeling up to cleaning it, because that means Im not contributing. I feel even worse when I have thoughts like "I actually need help with this, Im overwhelmed". The last time I vacuumed, which I have been told not to do on account of my back, I over did it and hurt myself. It makes me so angry. I like cleaning my house and I cant do it on my own anymore and Im fucking 33 years old. Ive lost so much control and independence that Im desperately clinging to any that I have left. I keep telling myself it could be worse, but thats hardly an uplifting thought. 

Im right back to the point where I have panic attacks so bad, Amanda want to take me to the hospital.  Im right back to having thoughts that I am a burden, a parasite, and Im so tired to fighting to try to stay more positive and make myself get out of bed and do something productive, even something that makes me happy, that sometimes I just want to go to sleep and not wake back up. I have these awful random thoughts of cutting my fat off with scissors to get the weight off just so I can get some relief. It is really and truly bad and Im scared. I think the only reasons I havent ended it, is because I dont want my parents to outlive anther kid, or to leave Amanda alone, or my cats, and I dont want to make my friends sad. 

I am trying. Im using coping techniques that I got from my therapist. I am doing some things that I enjoy to help inspire my creativity, that make me happy or excited, and I am taking time for myself and saying to some things. I even cancelled a meeting with my wedding party because the house isnt clean (it needs picked up, dusted, swept an vacuumed), I knew Amanda and I were both too tired and or sore to get it done in time. I also didnt think I could handle several people at once an certainly did not want to have a cry in front of them.         

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