Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Hack Windows Using Metasploit Back Track 5 Final

Hack Windows Using Metasploit Back Track 5 Final

*********** THE METASPLOIT HACKERS ***********

Note: This is an advance topic. Read Carefully.
Feel free to ask any kind of queries.
AM always here to help you.

If you are really interested in network security, chances are you must have heard of the Metasploit over the last few years.

Metasploit is a hackers best friend, mainly cause it makes the job of exploitation and post-exploitation a lot easier compared to other traditional methods of hacking.
The topic Metasploit is very vast in itself.However, ill try keeping it basic and simple so that it could be understood by everyone here. Also, Metasploit can be used with several other tools such as NMap or Nessus (all these tools are present in Backtrack ).

In this tutorial, ill be teaching you how to exploit a system using a meterpreter payload and start a keylogger on the victims machine.

Hacking through Metasploit is done in 3 simple steps:

Before I go into the details of The Metasploit Framework, let me give you a little idea of some basic terms (may seem boring at first, but you must be knowing them)

Vulnerability: A flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design or implementation that could be exploited resulting in notable damage.

Exploit: A piece of software that take advantage of a bug or vulnerability, leading to privilege escalation or DoS attacks on the target.

Overflow: Error caused when a program tries to store data beyond its size. Maybe used by an attacker to execute malicious codes.

Payload: Actual code which runs on the compromised system after exploitation

Now, what Metasploit IS?
It is an open source penetration testing framework, used for developing and executing attacks against target systems.
It has a huge database of exploits, also it can be used to write our own 0-day exploits.

Metasploit has a great collection of tools for anti forensics, making the forensic analysis of the compromised computer little difficult.
They are released as a part ofMAFIA(Metasploit Anti Forensic Investigation Arsenal). Some of the tools included are Timestomp, Slacker, Sam Juicer, Transmogrify.

Metasploit comes in the following versions:
1. CLI (Command Line Interface)
2. Web Interface
3. MSF Console
4. MSFwx

I recommend using the MSF Console because of its effectiveness & powerful from a pentester�s P0V. Another advantage of this mode is, several sessions of msfconsole could be run simultaneously.

I would recommend you doing the following things in Metasploit, on aBacktrack(system or image), avoiding the windows version of the tool.

For those of all who dont know, Backtrack is a linux distro especially for security personals, including all the tools required by a pentester.

Download Backtrack from HERE. You can download the ISO or VMware image, according to the one youre comfortable with. If you have 2 access to more than 1 system physically, then go for the ISO image and install it on your hard disk.

Let the Hacking Begin :

Open up backtrack. You should have a screen similar to this.

The default login credentials are:

Username: root

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