Saturday, June 30, 2018

Guns Vaccines and Aleppo and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Guns Vaccines and Aleppo and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

You may be wondering why I chose these three things.  Aleppo had been in the news a lot the past several months, and people have been horrified by what has been happening there.  That one child who was pulled out of the rubble - Im sure those who have seen his face wont forget it.  Gun violence and mass shootings in the U.S. also make the news, almost every day and we wont forget that anytime soon.  But vaccine injuries and deaths - why is it that the deaths and permanent injuries, and the same pain and suffering as the first two are never seen on the news?

Most deaths associated with vaccines are called SIDS, or are listed as "cause unknown or undetermined," even when it happens within minutes or hours of the vaccine injection.  They say the injuries and deaths were just a coincidence.  Imagine the outrage if someone was shot and died and they said it was a coincidence that that person died.  You know, he was about to have heart failure or become paralyzed and the bullet had nothing to do with what happened.

The makers of vaccines have no liability for them.  If you have a claim, you have to go to the "Vaccine Court," and if you are lucky enough to win, the money comes from an extra tax on the vaccines that cause the injuries and deaths.  The maker of the vaccine pays nothing.  Imagine if they did that with bullets and guns - shooters wouldnt liable and if you could collect a settlement (most of which would be turned down), it would be from a tax on the bullets.

No one knows how many deaths and injuries are caused by vaccines - it may only be in the thousands, or it may be in the hundreds of thousands.  No way to know because its blamed it on anything other than the vaccine.  Plus the injuries may take months or years to show up as diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc.  The autism is, of course, coincidental according to the drug companies.  Funny that as vaccine rates have increased, autism has followed that increase, from 1 in 10,000 in the early 1980s to around 1 in 50 today.

Getting back to guns, vaccines, and Aleppo - people are upset about gun violence and Aleppo thanks to the news.  Vaccines are probably killing and injuring more than those two combined, but due to the news blackout, almost nobody notices.  This damage is being done mostly to your children.

To get an idea of the injuries and deaths from some of the vaccines, here is a link to a chart I made from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System), and keep in mind that only 1 out of 10 to less than 1 out of 100 ever gets reported):  Vaccinations - Forget Everything Else For Now, Except This.

Im hoping that by making these comparisons that vaccine injuries and deaths will have the same impact on you as gun violence and Aleppo has.  Im hoping, too, it will cause you to at least dig deeper into researching (from independent sources) and questioning them.

Another thing Ive been reading lately on comments to vaccine articles:  Some commenters are asking if you would rather your child be autistic or dead, meaning that without the vaccine, your child will surely die.  That is a ridiculous scare tactic, or else we would have no one who was not vaccinated living over 60, including me.  And Im writing this, so I know Im still alive, and actually very healthy.  So the real question is would you rather your child grows up with or without brain damage?  What do you think your child would prefer?

What should you do?  Heres an idea - Dr. Paul Offit said children could get 10,000 vaccines safely.  So next time you bring your child for his/her well baby visit, ask if all those vaccines they have lined up are for your child.  If they say yes, ask them to inject them into the doctor first to make sure they are safe.  After all, if a child can get 10,000 vaccines, an adult should be able to get ten times that many.  So he should be more than happy to comply with each of his clients.  No doubt youll hear the door slam behind you on your way out, LOL.

This bears repeating - do your research from independent sources, check VAERS, read the actual package inserts that are in the vaccine box, look at the graphs of diseases going back to at least 1900 (here) and then look at when vaccines came along (note that the drug companies, doctors, etc., will use graphs from the 1950s to make it appear vaccines got rid of diseases).  Compare those graphs that had vaccines to those diseases that did not have vaccines, and use some common sense and logic, then I believe there is only one conclusion you can come to.  For the health and well being of yourself and your children, I hope you will do that.  Oh, and keep in mind that the media, drug companies, doctors, and government are all profiting from the sale of vaccines, and have no liability for them.

Bottom Line:  If you value your freedom, your health, your life, and those of your loved ones, and you dont want to be part of a medical experiment, then you owe it to yourself and them to take the time to do the research and learn the truth.  Soon it may be too late.

With that, I wish you all a safe, healthy, and happy 2017 and beyond.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

go to link download

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